The appropriate response should be of informing the client that due to absence of symptoms hypertension is known as 'the silent killer'. The client declines to take the medications but he do not know that how dangerous this disease is. Due to lack of symptoms, many of the people are not aware that they have this disease, and it develops slowly with time and can't be cured but can be controlled by diet and medications. High blood pressure could result in chronic heart diseases and even stroke, renal and arterial diseases too. So, its better to take medication to manage your body's internal conditions.
No mixer will help. Eat bread or crackers to absorb the alcohol.
Hmm, there’s no time line on coming out, so take your time. Do it when it feels right.
(C) Permit the client to perform daily rituals to decrease anxiety
Delirium is a Serious mental disorder leading to confused thinking and decreased perception of the surroundings. Delirium can be caused by a serious medical condition, such as an infection, other medications and other factors, such as removal of drugs or intoxication.
The client should be permitted to perform daily rituals to decrease anxiety. Well lightened environment is suggested.