An example of being socially responsible would be donating money to an organization that works against social injustice, such as the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation. Instead of using that money for my benefit, like buying something I want, I understand that society as a whole would benefit from that same amount of money, making it a social responsibility to donate.
However, being socially responsible also requires a careful decision on which organization to donate to. Many people have donated to the Black Lives Matter Foundation, which, despite its name, aims to enhance unity with the police department, a goal opposite to the Black Lives Matter movement, which demands the defunding of law enforcement to finance endangered communities.
<u>Demand for goods and services in an economy is affected by consumer preferences and / or price of products. The exercise deals only with the increase or decrease in demand due to preferences.
Preferences are based on tastes, conventions and information about the consumption of products. If a preference increases consumption, the demand curve shifts to the right. (type 2). If preferences decrease demand, the demand curve shifts to the left (type 1).
Non-price determinant causing the demand to decrease
more people embreance an oil free diet
Non-price determinant causing the demand to increase
more people use oil for skin and hair care
doctor recommend the use of saffower seed oil
new reports about benefits