None of the above because all the answers contributes to the mood
Wife: "I think that it is time to move out of here and buy a home instead"
Husband: "But we have rented this place for so many years and I love it here!"
Wife: "It's hard living here, there aren't many good jobs, the people aren't the best and there isn't anything to do!"
Husband: "Okay, but... Like you said... there aren't many good jobs and we could not afford to move anywhere. We cannot afford to buy a house"
Wife: "I know but we can work harder, take a second job and make enough to reach our goal!"
Husband: "But do you think this will work? Will we make enough money to buy that house?"
Wife: "Yes we will I know we can do anything we just need to be willing to work hard to make it happen!"
Husband: "Your right!"
This all came from my head lol.
They tell us, sir, that we are weak:unable to cope with so formidable an adversary.But when shall we be stronger?
They used metaphor.
its the most logical answer because the author does go into detail on the idea that social media can help share ideas and info.
4: Where DO you buy those headphones? They look cool!
5: Where ARE you? It’s 7:30, and I’m waiting in front of the theater.
Number 6 is incorrect. The answer is:
Why IS your dad using GPS? He drives around here all the time.
Explanation: if you used ‘be’ in number 4, then it wouldn’t make sense. number five is “are” because do or be doesn’t sound quite right in either sense. Number six is also incorrect because it doesn’t make sense to use “are”
ways to use “are” in a sentence:
Are you going to the dance tonight?
Are you feeling alright?