A.Greece was surrounded by water and they could control trade the become wealthy.
ABAB design
This method used in the field of research on Behavior Modification consists of four phases:
1. Phase A: Stable patient.
2. Phase B: Introduction of treatment.
3. Second Phase A: Withdrawal of treatment before consolidation.
4. Second Phase B: Reintroduction of treatment
This allows to verify the reliability of the change produced by the treatment. If it produces a new behavior change, we would have more evidence that the cause of the change is treatment.
d. movement
Cultural diffusion through movement refers the spread of culture to other region without having to be physically there. Technology and media are the objects that is often used spread the ideas that led to the cultural diffusion.
In the past decades, cultural diffusion through movement is the most effective methods to spread a culture. Through the consumption of movies , music , arts that made from other country, many people could learn many things about the culture of the country of origin.
Explanation: Millenialism is a believe propagated by some religions like christianity and Judaism that a new age will come on earth where all things will become new,they believe that the promised Paradise will soon take place on earth after this present time or age has come to an end.They believe it will happen before the final judgement by the Messiah. The Notion of Millenialism has made many of the adherents of these religions to attribute present happenings to the signs that the paradise is coming.
Yes, I think it is good to be prepared for a potential life threatening situation. Having drills allow students and staff to know an exit plan and not to go into immediate panic during an emergency.