The flow of energy in an ecosystem is best described as energy moving in one direction from the sun to the producers then to the consumers.
Energy flow is the amount of energy that moves through successive trophic levels of a food chain in an ecosystem. Ecosystem maintain themselves by cycling energy and nutrients.
The energy from sunlight is taken up by producers which use it to produce organic compounds through photosynthesis. The energy is then passed successively to the trophic levels, that is from the producers to the consumers ( primary, secondary, tertiary and quotienary consumers). During this transfer some energy is lost at each trophic level in form of heat.
Eukaryotes include animal cells which do not have chloroplasts
The thoracic cavity is "Superior" to the abdominopelvic cavity. Superior ... If an incision cuts the heart into right and left parts, a "Sagittal" plane of section was used
The thoracic cavity is mainly located in the chest region which also have neck and the diaphragm in it. In the thoracic cage the thoracic organs are safely placed. The thoracic cavity lies above the abdominopelvic region. The sagittal plane is the vertical plane which runs from the front to back of the body. The sagittal plane helps in splitting of two equal halves like the left and right one.