A. the Sun's rays are nearly perpendicular to Earth's surface.
-Tropical region receives more solar radiation not only because the Sun’s rays hit the region more directly, but also because they travel through less of the atmosphere to get there.
-Some radiation is absorbed as it travels through the atmosphere, so less energy is lost in tropical regions.
Answer:Gg and Gg
Explanation:G - Grey
g - Black flies
G is dominant over g . GG × gg
The chemical structure of a saturated fatty acid exhibits each carbon bonding to the adjacent carbon with single bonds. Each carbon is also bonded to two hydrogen atoms. The linear nature of saturated fatty acids allows for tightly packed formations, causing them to be solid at room temperature
Green plants are green because they contain a pigment called chlorophyll.
A. unconscious
It's A because it controls the involuntary actions like our heart beat or breathing. The actions we aren't consistently remembering to do.