Luxurious lifestyle and courtiers
The first Japanese troops landed in Singapore via the northwestern coastline on 8 February 1942. After a week of intense fighting, the British Lieutenant General Arthur E. Percival surrendered Singapore to the Japanese forces under the command of Lieutenant General Tomoyuki Yam as hita.
The Hammurabi Code is probably best known in popular knowledge through the phrase "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth".
As the name implies, this was based on the idea that for every crime you commit, a punishment of equal severity would await you, in this sense you would knew what to expect for a certain illegal/bad deed that you have done.
Machiavelli lived in the 15th century and is sometimes referred to as the first modern political scientist. He aimed to have a say in the way the leaders of the day governed their subjects. He basically told leaders to do as they please and not to have moral obligations to subjects. He claimed that being a virtuous leader would lead to ruin and his subjects being spoiled.....clearly not good advice.
B. Became ineffective
The main function of Parliament was to pass laws and grant the Queen money when she needed it. However, the Queen could make laws without Parliament's consent, in what were called royal proclamations, if she wanted, and so if for some reason she and the Privy Council could not get Parliament to pass certain measures, they could resort to proclamations. Tudor monarchs tended only to summon Parliament for major governmental reforms or for money, and money was the main reason that Elizabeth summoned hers. Parliament did not have anywhere near as much power as it has today, and there was no Prime Minister or any political parties. It was up to the Queen when a Parliament was called, and over the course of her long reign, Parliament sat only a few times.