Antibiotic resistance is when pathogens such as bacteria or fungi develop a resistance to antibiotics. This happens when some pathogens die, and others survive. The small number of pathogens that had a resistance to the antibiotic will reproduce more offspring that are also resistant to, and those offspring will reproduce even more offspring and so on. Eventually most pathogens will be resistant to the antibiotic, so antibiotics won't work.
Hypertrophy is the process that occurs when fat cells swell and enlarge. Hope this helps!
Harm to downstream fisheries, due to sedimentation of waterways from increased soil erosion.
Deforestation is the reduction of forest area in a given territory, both because of nature or man-made causes. It results in the loss of habitats for many animal and plant species, the destruction of natural peoples' habitats and livelihoods, and increases soil erosion and large floods in valleys. Often, a previously forested area becomes waste land.