Air pollution has become an extremely serious problem. Air pollutants affect both plants and animals. Under polluted conditions, plants develop different physiological, morphological and anatomical changes. Pollutants cause damage to cuticular waxes by which then they enter the leaves through stomata. This further leads to injury to plants which can be either acute or chronic. Changes in stomata due to air pollutants which seem to be small can be of great consequence with respect to survival of the plant during stress. These effects can further lead to disturbing the water balance of leaf or whole plant. Respiration also gets affected because of the exposure of plants to air pollutants. The present paper deals with the effect of air pollutants on stomata as well as on respiration leading to affect gaseous exchange.

Since the gravitational force is directly proportional to the mass of both interacting objects, more massive objects will attract each other with a greater gravitational force. So as the mass of either object increases, the force of gravitational attraction between them also increases. If the mass of one of the objects is doubled, then the force of gravity between them is doubled. If the mass of one of the objects is tripled, then the force of gravity between them is tripled. If the mass of both of the objects is doubled, then the force of gravity between them is quadrupled; and so on.
Hope this helps.
1) seeds with one cotyledon.
2) the plants have fibrous root system
3) leaves have parallel venation
4) the petals of flowers are trimerous(3 petals)
1) seeds with two cotyledon.
2) the plants have taproot system.
3) leaves have reticulate venation
4) the petals of flowers are pentamerous (5 petals)
To produce proteins for the rest of the cell to function.
The polarity of the water molecule helps it to cohere to nearby water molecules, forming a skin over it.