Я ничего не знаю, потому что я сумасшедший. Я сумасшедший, потому что мои друзья сумасшедшие.
Ok thank you I hate people who do that they have no respect for people who need actual help
Have a good day!
I love this story! His greatest fear is turning out to be just like his father who is lazy, cowardly, and unable to support his family
The correct answer is "It shows similarities with Stalin's Great Purge and reveals how dictators use fear to control people".
Stalin used diverse tactics to deceit the people and gain control over his image. Once he got to a position of perceived power, he used the secret police in the same way that Napoleon uses his dogs: to quiet down the opposition with the use of force and fear-spreading. Public displays of violence as a form of punishment result in a society controlled by fear, where everyone behaves according to the imposition of a tyrant or dictator.
Hope this is helpful to you!
Answer: any of two or more actual representations of a morpheme