B. Computer Repair
I got it right on edge. trust.
- Peripheral devices
Peripheral devices are defined as computer devices which are not the element of the essential/basic computer function. These devices can be internal as well as external and are primarily connected to the computer for entering or getting information from the computer. For example, the keyboards or mouse functions to enter data into the computer for processing and receiving information while the output devices like speakers, projectors, printers, etc. are used to get the information out of the computer.
<em>using System;
<em>public class Program
<em> public static void Main()
<em> {
<em> String input ;
<em> while(true)
<em> {
<em> input = Console.ReadLine();
<em> if(input.Equals(""quit""))
<em> break;
<em> Reverse_String(input);
<em> }
<em> return;
<em> }
<em>static void Reverse_String(string input_text)
<em> char[] text = input_text.ToCharArray();
<em> Array.Reverse(text);
<em> Console.WriteLine(text);
<em>In the above program a separate function is written to reverse the string.</em>
This method takes the string as an argument and place it in a array and then use the built-in function reverse and print the reversed string in the console.
<em>In the main(), the input is obtained from the console and it is passed to the reversestring().
calculators work by processing information in binary form. We're used to thinking of numbers in our normal base-ten system, in which there are ten digits to work with: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The binary number system is a base-two system, which means there are only two digits to work with: 0 and 1. Thus, when you input numbers into a calculator, the integrated circuit converts those numbers to binary strings of 0s and 1s.
The integrated circuits then use those strings of 0s and 1s to turn transistors on and off with electricity to perform the desired calculations. Since there are only two options in a binary system (0 or 1), these can easily be represented by turning transistors on and off, since on and off easily represent the binary option
Once a calculation has been completed, the answer in binary form is then converted back to our normal base-ten system and displayed on the calculator's display screen.