For the first question, it's Papua New Guineia since it has the highest fertility rate. Look at it as which country is giving birth to most children per woman.
I'm not sure what the second question is because I'm not sure how to determine the human development index but It's also Papua New Guieniea I think. They have the 2nd lowest GDP, lowest female literacy, lowest life expectency while giving birth to most childreans per woman.
They oversee large executive departments and report to the president.
Parliament attempted to resolve these issues through the Tea Act, which set the stage for the Boston Tea Party and the American Revolution. The Tea Act retained the three pence duty on tea imported to the colonies.
This is all i could do... Hoped this answer helped
We need to increase the number we have German D I mean GDP we have the US doesn't increase are we increasing yes we are so what's the treaty so what's my company tell me the company is right in front of us so we're looking around to see the increase