Earth and space science explores the interconnections between the land, ocean, atmosphere, and life of our planet. These include the cycles of water, carbon, rock, and other materials that continuously shape, influence, and sustain Earth and its inhabitants
a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.
Rhinitis is an allergic condition characterized by inflammation in the mucus membrane lining of the nose. The anti-histamine nasal sprays controls the symptoms of allergy but it has rebound effect which means that though the sprays works well in controlling the disease, it still causes inflammation and damage to the mucus membrane lining of the nose that may lead to nausea and bleeding of nose.
potential energy
Work changes potential and kinetic energy. When you throw a ball, you transfer energy to it and it moves. By doing work on the ball, you can give it which is the energy of motion. Any moving object has some kinetic energy.