Phenotypic frequency of the dominant trait = 0.19 ⇒ the frequency of individuals in this village that have webbed feet
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All of the above- 1, 2, and 3 These introduce variation into the chromosome or into the zygote and create cells and offspring unique from the parents.
You could use one to see if that $210934879207344329 dollar "living" wood table is living or not. It could also be used at hospitals...
Sorry never heard of that "key" in my life...
peptide antigens by MHC class II molecules
Helper T cells are activated by peptide antigens by MHC class II molecules. These antigens express on the surface of antigen-presenting cells (APCs). After activation, the T helper cells divide and secrete cytokines to assist the immune response.
Robinson explains how she uses layers in fossilized corals to understand what the environment was like overtime. By finding out what mainly makes up each layer and finding out roughly how old each layer is, she can begin to understand what the chemical composition and climate was like when the coral pieces were alive