1. A. It is true. Poor decision can be embarrassing at the same time humiliating if a person decides to be in school naked.
2. A. True. It is hard to change a decision when it is strongly pursued and done in the process. It can be irreversible, but can be corrected if rectified.
There were rivers,natural ports,and the farmland was good.
The election for the President and the Vice President of the United States in which people elects the heads of the official in an indirect way is known as Presidential election. While a non presidential election is an election where the citizens of the United States votes and elect the congressional representatives.
The voter turn out in the United States is quite often very low in both presidential as well as non presidential elections. In 2012 presidential election, nearly 58.7% of the total voters in the United States cast their vote.
The correct answer is Kantian ethics
According to Kant, man's ability to differentiate between right and wrong is innate, that is, he is born with him. Thus, human morality is independent of experience, as we are already born with it. Previous to the experience, it is “formal”, that is, it is valid for all people, wherever they are and at any time.