By defeating Constantinople
Before 1453, the trade route toward the European market was controlled by the Constantinople. Difference in major religion between the middle east empires and Constantinople often caused unnecessary conflicts, which is why trade never been really flourished between the two regions.
After Ottoman and Safavid defeated the Constantinople, It is much easier for traders from Middle East empires to pass through European trades route.
Answer: flavors of ice cream
Explanation: Subjectivism theory sees values of what is morally right or wrong like the "flavors of ice cream" i.e values of what is right or wrong is just a matter of what one personally prefers.
This theory holds that there is nothing like objective moral truth and and the only standard of judgement should be that of individuals rather than communal i.e the standard of judgement should be the individual moral conscience.
Meritocracy is defined as a bureaucracy where membership and advancement is based on proven and documented skills.