<span>when you use the radial gradient fill it gives it a look like a shine on them. </span>
<span>The answer is CTRL + A, this selects whole worksheet (A means all). In computing, a Control key is a transformer key which, when pushed in combination with one more key, achieves a singular operation (for example, Ctrl + A; like the Shift key, the Control key infrequently achieves any purpose when pushed by itself.</span>
~Hello there! ^_^
Your answer: Hordes of surreptitiously infiltrated computers, linked and controlled remotely, also known as zombie networks are known as..?
Your answer: Hordes of surreptitiously infiltrated computers, linked and controlled remotely, also known as zombie networks are known as botnets.
Hope this helps~
a blog
a forum is for questions, a wiki doesn't make sense in this situation and email wouldn't be used for this either so it should be a blog