A secular ruler is one that is not guided by any particular form of religion. These 3 events were part of a gradual process that resulted in rulers adopting secularism.
- <u>Peace of Augsburg:</u> Signed in 1555, made it possible for rulers of the Holy Roman Empire to choose between Protestantism or Catholicism as their choice of belief.
- <u>Edict of Nantes:</u> Signed in 1598, granted the Protestants of France rights in the nation. Before this event, Protestants of France were considered as heretics.
- <u>The Peace of Westphalia:</u> Series of peace treaties signed in 1648 that ended the Religious Wars in Europe.
The United States has only two major political parties.<span> The Democrats and the Republicans. These </span>parties<span> have a meaning that they share almost all the </span>political<span> power in the country. Most countries have more than </span><span>two parties</span>
<span>Analysts often refer to the three V’s when describing characteristics of big data.
The three V's when describing characteristics of big data are:
- Volume (the amount of the data)
- Variety (the number of types of the data)
- Velocity (the time that we need to process the data)</span>
US fire administration
In 1974, Congress approved the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act to bring an end to the losses incurred by the fire. U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) and the National Fire Academy (NFA) were created under this act. Many actions were taken to save lives and property from destruction. The act has helped in the reduction of deaths caused by fire and prevention of property.