The legislative branch of the federal government, composed primarily of the U.S. Congress, is responsible for making the country's laws.
The Mere Exposure Effect
This effect is when a person is sublimely exposed to objects or other people. This causes them to begin to associate them positively in their mind, even if the person does not consciously realize the person is there.
This is known simply as real culture. It is the cultural norms and behaviors that people <em>actually</em> follow in <em>real</em> life.
<em>Object Permanence</em>
Object permanence is used to <em>explain the tendency of an infant to recognize that objects still exist, although they can not be seen or heard any longer.</em>
Whenever an item gets hidden from sight, infants within a certain age are often get upset that the item has disappeared.
Jordan thinks that her pacifier has disappeared.
This is because they're too young to really understand that although the object can not be seen, it still exists.