The code that examines all the strings in the input source and determines how long the longest string (or strings are) is the following:
total = 0;
% initial value is zero, in every while loop it will be incremented
total += input.nextInt( );
I have attached the answer as an image. I can't upload the file as it requires a licensed product and I only used demo version. I can provide the file too if you can give me your vlsig file required to use full software. However, If you just copy along the images on your Visual Studio, you will easily create the files yourself. Answer is provided for both scenarios as part A and part B, one which stops after 1 iteration and the one which loops until 0 height is given.
Explanation:However, with the emergence of several new web development technologies, tools, frameworks, and languages in the last few years, it has now become quite .
The global positioning system (GPS) is a space-based radio-positioning and time-transfer system. GPS satellites transmit signals to proper equipment on the ground. These signals provide accurate position, velocity, and time (PVT) information to an unlimited number of users on ground, sea, air, and space.