To solve for the semimonthly payments on Max's insurance cost:
Annual insurance rate: $11,700
Employer pays 60%
What is Max's amount to pay?
(11,700)(.60) = $7,020
Max's employer pays $7,020
Max pays $4,680 (11,700-7,020)
If Max pay's $4,680 a year and we want to know but he pays semimonthly, or twice a month then we need to divide his annual payment by 24 since there are 12 months and he pays twice a month.
($4,680/24)= $195
Max pays $195 semimonthly for his insurance.
" A secured loan is, a loan in which borrower pledges some asset as calateral for the loan, which them becomes a secured dept owned to the creditor who gives the loan."
Inspire employees and clarify their vision. Find new and innovative ways to produce and deliver goods and services.
The main function of front-line managers is to oversee departments and employees. According to Lumen Learning, they are responsible for ensuring that the team achieves the goals of the organization.
Conceptual skill. These skills represent the manager's ability to organize and analyze information to improve the performance of the organization. This includes the ability to see the entire organization and understand how the different parts combine to act as an integrated unit.
Human skills are the ability to understand, change, guide, and control the behavior of other individuals and groups, and the ability to communicate, coordinate and motivate people in a cohesive team.
Learn more about the marketing plan at
The right to reproduce the copyrighted work
the right to prepare derivative works based upon the work
the right to distribute copies of the work to the public
the right to perform the copyrighted work publicly
the right to display the copyrighted work publicly
Inferior good
Inferior goods are those type or the kind of goods whose demand falls or decline when the income of the person or customer or individual rises or increases.
In short, the demand of the inferior goods is related inversely to the customer or person income.
So, in this case, the person bought 10 frozen pizzas per month, but when the person start earning, then the person would not buy the frozen pizzas. The frozen pizza will be inferior good for the person as the income of the person will rise.