I'd say MSconfig, you can use that and view the 'processes' tab, but it will make you open up the task manager.
Yessirrr like 3 times a week
Number 2 is the correct answer
Selection of answers:
Yes, she can navigate the window and do simple editing.
Yes, she can use this application for free and navigate the window.
No, her document is “Read-Only,” so she cannot navigate the window.
No, her application has limited features and she cannot access the document.
Answer is: No, her document is “Read-Only,” so she cannot navigate the window.
The project file can be managed by making its multiple version due to the following reasons.
1. We can create multiple copies or version of the project to avoid any unfortunate circumstance such as Project file can be corrupted or can be deleted. In that case we can use the other version of that project file.
2. When we are working on some project, we are modifying the code or program to achieve our desired results. In this process we may forgot the changes that we have made while modification. If we does not obtain our desired results while modification that can lead to losing the original file. To reduce this type of risk we create multiple versions of project File.
3. We also create version of our project files on some internet drives as a backup. In case our computer has lost or operating system has been corrupted. A version of our project file is available on Internet drives such as Google drive or Drop box.