The primary function of the respiratory system is to supply blood with oxygen
Answer: I think its A.Harm
Spiral Galaxies, Elliptical Galaxies & Irregular Galaxies
How did galaxies originate? Astronomers believe that after the big bang, the explosion which began the universe 10 billion to 20 billion years ago, gravity began to compress masses of free-floating gas. Two main theories, bottom-up and top-down, explain what happened next. According to bottom-up theories, clusters began to form and assembled together into the larger units we know as galaxies. Top-down theories suggest that galaxies formed first, and the stars and other objects within them were subsequently produced. They categorized different galaxies to maintain their tests from the other galaxies.
The answer is A. Decreased pH levels. A substance having a pH value less than seven is considered to be acidic. Increases in the concentration of these gases from the use of fossil fuels leads to more acid precipitation, lowering the pH of aquatic environments. Plant life and soil can also be affected by acid rain. Buildings and other infrastructure can be damaged.