Posconvential morality.
It is postconventional morality because at this point, the man understands the differenes between right and wrong. However, he is using his own set of morals to drive his actions, which is essentially what postconvential morality is all about. In his eyes, he sees that the government is partaking in unethical actions. Furthermore, he states that "Yes ,I did steal the documents, and I am willing to go to jail for it." This backs up the fact that he comprehends the difference bewteen right and wrong, but still chooses to go through with the act anyways because it is what he believes to be right. Thus, tying his entire feat back into the ideology of postconventional morality.
The student does the minimum to get by is a sign of an unmotivated student.
u suppose to ask yii=our teacher
Well, capitalism is not always a free-market economy.
A typical capitalism is a free-market economy, which means that the market itself (buyer and sellers) can decide the prizes and terms of services.
In capitalism, the capital is privately, and not state owned. But capitalism can also come in other forms: of social democracy with partially free market, and with other forms which include corporations having controls over the market.