Is the last one He use his money to buy more equipment
Christians believe in the __Christian Bible_ as their holy book. This book includes the New Testament and the Old Testament. The Old Testament is the_Books Of Genesis__. The New Testament includes the __Epistles_, or accounts of Jesus’s life and teachings written by his disciples. It also includes the _Gospels__, or collections of letters about matters of faith. The final book of the New Testament is the __Book of Revelation_
Economic indicators reveal the statistics of economic activity.
Economic indicators judge the overall condition of a particular country' economy. The main purpose of economic indicator is to attract the foreign investments. There are three categories of economic indicators, they are lagging, coincident and leading indicators respectively.
GDP, debt cycles, inflation, Exchange rate stability, interest rates, gold price, crude oil price, stick markets variations and a country ' financial budget are the economic indicators to observe whether the economy is in boom or in the trajectory of recession and depression. Business cycles are also an important economic indicator.
I know this because I had the same question.
CVS and they have medicine and other goods