An enumerated power is a power of Congress that is A. specifically named in the Constitution.
Crystallized intelligence
Crystallized intelligence is the intelligence in which the knowledge is gained through prior learning and the experience of a person. It is based on the facts and the rooted experience of a person. It is increased throughout our life span. As we grew older it increased. Crystallized intelligence is not the form of fluid intelligence.
Thus here in the above statement, Zane's mother seems to know every historical event due to her crystallized intelligence because it grew according to life experiences.
All these colonies were against Massachusetts policies. For example, Roger Williams was banished from Massachusetts, so he created Rhode Island.
New Zealanders value a strong multicultural society, with 89% agreeing that it is a good thing for society to be made up of people from different races, religions and cultures
Natural monopolies and the reason to exist in the free market system
In a natural monopoly when a market can supply goods or the cost of the goods can be lowered in competition with the potential competitor then it is called as natural monopoly. In a market when the first supplier of the product is demanding more cost or raises the costs of the product then it eventually rises to natural monopoly.
Here the products are given at a lower rate than the capital supplier. They are available in free market because people always tend to go for lower prices and for a good quality product.