There wasn't a victory.the Europeans exhausted themselves. The US only prolonged the conflict for about a year, at which time the Europeans thought that an armistice was the only way to not perish. The real victory came in 1919, when President Wilson went to Versailles to hold court and chop up the map of the world in the image of a racist, imperialist, white, Western European/American hegemony, complete with “reparations” that assured the flow of gold primarily out of Germany, and primarily into the US. Wilson was able to hold the dominant position at Versailles because the US was one nation that was not utterly spent, in terms of men and material and resources.
This is a very complex question, but they both collapsed due to:
decentralization and government corruption
plagues/ epidemics
high taxes
and invasions
Some differences are that the Chinese empires saw a revival while Rome didn't.
Pennsylvania. because it was founded by William Penn a Quaker
3 is A. 4 is B