Value based pricing
Value based pricing is a pricing strategy that includes setting a price based on how much the customer believes the product you’re selling is worth.
They should try to take free online school classes
C - larger; smaller
Marginal effects usually determine the change in a dependent variable (overall medical spending) based on a change in another variable that affects the dependent one (Spending on preventative care), all things remaining the same. If spending on preventative care is high, the overall medical bill should be low, assuming treatment costs, labor costs of health workers and all other factors are constant. If preventative care spending is low, the overall medical spending will be high.
The marginal effects of overall medical spending on health status is larger in the US. The marginal effects of preventative care spending on health is likely smaller than for overall spending.
Answer: Unit of account; Store of value; Medium of exchange.
Sam can easily know that the price of the computer system is more than the price of the vacation. This is a Unit of Account.
Unit of account is measuring of the value of a product against another in terms of a specific currency.
Sam has $1,537 in his checking account. This is a Store of value.
Store of value means an asset or money can be saved and retrieved at a later time, for future use.
Sam writes a check for $1,299 is a medium of exchange.
Medium of exchange is used to facilitate trade between parties. He exchanged money for the computer.