41 states set the age of juvenile court jurisdiction at 17. Seven states—Georgia, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, South Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin—set the age at 16, and two states—New York and North Carolina—set the age at 15.
The words <em>could have been baking </em>are considered to be A) compound verb since it consists of more than one word.
Answer: Answer 1: Ponyboy spoke so harshly about Johnny's home life because his folks didn't even care about him and he was getting beat, and he still stayed home. Ponyboy felt mad because when Darry saw him doing homework and getting A he told him to play football, then the reverse, and that's why Ponyboy didn't like Darry.
Answer 2: Greasers handle being an "outsider" by doing whatever they could by getting money and supplies. An outsider means your left out by others and not invited by others.
Rhyme is correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry.
Syllables is a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word.