The condition where the parathyroid hormone is produces excessively is termed as Hyperparathyroidism. This condition arises when the balance between the calcium and phosphorus gets disturbed. The calcium and phosphorus balance is affected in following two cases –
a) When the parathyroid gland is not working properly due to its own problem usually termed as hyperparathyroidism or more specifically primary hyperparathyroidism
b) When the parathyroid gland is not working properly due to any other disease in the body affecting the functioning of parathyroid. It is termed as secondary hyperparathyroidism
They would kill the rest of the cells
seismographs detect waves and vibration undergroud
By looking for promoters that are binding sites for RNA polymerase. It's an open reading frame and introns as well as exons
. A DNA molecule in a human chromosome can be up to 250 million nucleotide-pairs long; in contrast, most RNAs are no more than a few thousand nucleotides long, and many are considerably shorter.