Bacteria. These one-cell organisms are responsible for illnesses such as strep throat, urinary tract infections and tuberculosis.
Viruses. Even smaller than bacteria, viruses cause a multitude of diseases ranging from the common cold to AIDS.
Fungi. Many skin diseases, such as ringworm and athlete's foot, are caused by fungi. Other types of fungi can infect your lungs or nervous system.
Parasites. Malaria is caused by a tiny parasite that is transmitted by a mosquito bite. Other parasites may be transmitted to humans from animal feces.
i write it with the explanation on when i answer it
Each group of three nucleotides encodes one amino acid. Since there are 64 combinations of 4 nucleotides taken three at a time there are 20 amino acids.
Air that is warmer is able to evaporate more water into the atmosphere. An air mass with more water vapor available to precipitate will naturally create more precipitation.
Most of South Florida has a tropical climate. There is a defined rainy season from May through October, when air mass thundershowers that build in the heat of the day drop heavy but brief summer rainfall. In some years the dry season becomes quite severe and water restrictions are imposed to conserve water.