1. Adenoblast: <span>adeno = gland; blast = immature cell/tissue
2. A</span>denoma: <span>adeno = gland; oma = benign tumor
</span>3. Adenocarcinoma: <span>adeno= gland; carcinoma = malignant tumor
</span>4. Hypoxia: <span>hyp = deficiencies; oxia = oxygen
</span>5. Homograft: <span>homo = same; graft = transplant
</span>6. Hyperplasia: <span>hyper = too much/alot; plasia = growth/formation
</span>7. Aplasia: <span>a = without; plasia = growth/formation
</span>8. Abscission: <span> ab = away from; cission = cutting
</span>9. Excise: <span>ex = out; cise = cut
</span>10. Debridement: <span>de = away; ment = action</span>
<span>Algae blooms are the consequence of large amounts of fertilizers in the water. Algae use the presence of increased nutrients and enhance their own growth. It is known that they produce an oxygen in the photosynthesis, so it is not a problem while they are still alive. But when these organisms die, their decomposition begins. For the process of decomposition, the oxygen is needed and ultimately it will be depleted from a body of water. This could lead to the death of aquatic animals that depend on oxygen. So, in the population will survive only those who are able deal with the lack of oxygen in the water</span>
Saturn is the sixth planet in the solar system. It is one of the four Jovian planets that are predominantly made up of gas.
Saturn is most notable for its three rings.
- This solar body has 18 known satellites revolving round it.
- They are pulled by Saturn gravity.
The four largest satellites orbiting Saturn are:
name of satellite diameter(km)
Dione 1123
Lapetus 1470
Rhea 1527
Titan 5149
learn more:
Planet brainly.com/question/10934170
<em><u>It is a C4 plant 100% sur</u></em>e
hope i helped