Well, the word medicine is the general synonym of antibiotic - they mean the same thing.
<span>Dermatomes are skin segments that relate to sensory innervation regions of the spinal nerves.
Because migration and and other seasonal movements can affect the possibility of finding a mate, stresses, that could affect offspring survival(can vary with season), and also availability of thing that are available for the offspring.
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Emulsifier generally reduces the surface tension of the lipid there by helping in the digestion of the lipid molecules.
Bile that is secreted from liver act as emulsifier because the bile helps in the break down of lipid into small molecules to form micelle thereby reducing the surface tension of the lipid molecules.
Due the formation of micelle the broken down lipid molecules binds to the active site of the lipase enzyme and get digested to form fatty acid and glycerol.
Beside digestion Emulsifier Bile also helps in the absoption of lipid from the small intestine.