What happens to contraction of a muscle cell if some of the Ca2+ that was released during a contraction is still in the cytoplas
m (sarcoplasm) when the next stimulus arrives? Group of answer choices The muscle contracts with the same tension generated as during the first contraction, because muscles contract in an all-or-none fashion. The muscle contracts with the same tension generated as during the first contraction, because the number of cross-bridges formed is always the same during a contraction. The muscle contracts with greater tension generated because there will be more Ca2+ in the sarcoplasm after the second stimulation, which will bind to more troponin molecules. The muscle contracts with greater tension generated because more troponin molecules bound means greater myosin-binding sites (active sites) are revealed on the actin, leading to a larger number of cross-bridges formed.
Calcium stays in the sarcoplasmic reticulum until discharged by an improvement. Calcium at that point ties to troponin, causing the troponin to change shape and expel the tropomyosin from the coupling destinations. Cross-connect stick proceeds until the calcium particles and ATP are never again accessible.
ATP is basic to get ready myosin for official and to "revive" the myosin.
When the actin-restricting destinations are revealed, the high-vitality myosin head overcomes any issues, framing a cross-connect. When myosin ties to the actin, the Pi is discharged, and the myosin experiences a conformational change to a lower vitality state. As myosin consumes the vitality, it travels through the "power stroke," pulling the actin fiber toward the M-line.
The vegetable oil is made up of chains of long fatty acids. These long chains of fatty acids are non-polar in nature, i.e, they do not interact through ionic forces rather by covalent forces. The phospholipids are also long chain fatty acids with an ionic head. The mixing of the vial of phospholipid in vegatable oil will lead to the formation of a micelle where the lipophilic ends of the phospholipid will be on the outside and the lipophobic end will be towards the centre of the micelle.