The answer would be b because depending on the size of the child it determines how much they will take from the impact.
Thanks for reporting and getting my comment deleted! Really appreciate that!!
Remote dispensing machines for medication began operation in Ontario, Canada in 2007~ After a patient inserts a prescription into the dispensing machine, the prescription is scanned and the patient is connected by telephone video conference to a pharmacist at a remote site.
I majored in Health
o que aconteceria se as forças de atração entre todas as partículas da matéria na terra fossem iguais
Answer – Iron
According to guidelines stated in the “Guidance for Industry: Food Labeling Guide” published by the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in September 1994 and last revised in January 2013, it is required that Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, and Iron must appear on nutritional labels if they are contained in the food.