see explaination
import random
def number_guess(num):
n = random.randint(1, 100)
if num < n:
print(num, "is too low. Random number was " + str(n) + ".")
elif num > n:
print(num, "is too high. Random number was " + str(n) + ".")
print(num, "is correct!")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Use the seed 900 to get the same pseudo random numbers every time
# Convert the string tokens into integers
user_input = input()
tokens = user_input.split()
for token in tokens:
num = int(token)
Formal; A formal information system is based on
the organization represented by the organization chart.
Informal; The informal information system is
employee based system designed
to meet personal and vocational needs
and to help in solution of work-related problems.
For each user who comes to your site the google analytics automatically capture the traffic source dimensions Source, Medium, Campaign name.
- There cannot be any reference to a website without an origin source.
- The source is basically the origin of your traffic such as a search engine (google) or a domain (ex: Twitter).
- Every referral to a website also has a medium along with the source.
- examples are -: unpaid search, "cost per click", referral, mail.
Campaign name:
- The campaign Name is the name referring to the google ads campaign.
"Select vendor_name as Vendor_Name,
default_account_number as Default_Account_No ,
account_description as Account_Description
From Vendors v, General_Ledger_Accounts ledger
where (add the join condition here)
Order by account_description, vendor_name"
Note: In the above statement, include the alias name appropriately and then execute the query
The "select statement" should contain the list of columns to be displayed
"From statement" should contain the name of the table from which data needs to be fetched.
"Where clause" defines the relationship as well the condition that needs to be executed
"Order by clause" defines the sorting mechanism with the relevant field