The way property owners regard and treat the people who work their land
Society's indifference to poverty
Anthony observed the objects moving in the water.
50% G+C will have a higher Tm
The Temperature of Melting (Tm) refers to the temperature at which 50% of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) is changed to single-standard DNA (ssDNA). In the double helix of DNA, Adenine bases always pair with Thymine bases through two hydrogen bonds, whereas Guanine bases always pair with Cytosine bases through three hydrogen bonds. In consequence, a DNA molecule containing a higher GC content is more stable than another DNA molecule containing a lower GC content. The Tm can be calculated as follows = 2 °C(A + T) + 4 °C(G + C) = °C Tm (this equation is useful for oligonucleotides of 14 to 20 base-length).
The correct answer is C) ensures the continued existence of the human species.
The human reproductive system is responsible for the production, storage, and transfer of gametes to the next generation. In the male reproductive system, testes make gametes and in the female reproductive system, ovary makes gametes.
The reproductive system in humans ensures the continued existence of human species in this world because the reproductive system is responsible for gamete fusion and new offspring developments which are more adapted in the environment. This ensures the existence of humans on earth.
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu adapted "variolation" instead of "vaccination" to prevent smallpox in her children. She learned about it when she was in Constantinople (Turkey) with her husband. There, prisoners were intentionally inoculated with smallpox virus under their skin. When she saw that they didn't develop the disease and were among survivors, she inoculated smallpox virus to her children (son and daughter) as well using a needle. Later on, efforts of Edward Jenner towards vaccination were also recognized and it became a fashion to inoculate smallpox as a preventive measure.