The greatest common factor (GCF) is the product of the greatest common factors of the numerical coefficients and the variables involving x and y.
-12(x^4)y - 9x³y² + 3x²y³
-3x²y(4x² + 3xy - y²)
<span>Thus, the answer is letter A. </span>
Answer: odd and positive
How to find number of degrees: Count the number of turns and add one. In this case you have 4 curves, so 4+1= 5.
How to find leading coefficient: look at the RIGHT side of the graph, the arrow is going towards positive infinity, thus making the leading coefficient positive.
x = -10
Step-by-step explanation:
Perform the indiated multiplication. Recalling that 6(1/3) = 2, we get:
2x + 2 = 3x + 12
Combining like terms:
-10 = x