Convert all fractions to have the same denominator.
To convert, we must find the least common multiple of the two denominators of the fractions:
Multiples of 4: {4,8,12,16,20}
Multiples of 5: {5,10,15,20}
The least common multiple of 4 and 5 is 20.
Multiply the fractions by a number that will result in the denominator being 20:
The equation should now look like this:
Subtract both sides by 8/20 to get w by itself:
The value of w is 7/20.
extraneous root is a solution o an equation that seems to be right but when we check it (by substituting it into the original equation) it turns out not to be right
6/5 or 1.2
Step-by-step explanation:
you can solve with an equation:
x : 5 = 12 : 50
x = 5 * 12 : 50
x = 6/5 (or 1.2)
or you can solve with an expression
12/50 * 5 = 6/5 (or 1.2)
Step-by-step explanation:
5 dollors i just tookthe test 4
Step-by-step explanation: