Lincoln's promise was to care for not only veterans, but also their families. Lincoln himself was a war veteran, making this promise especially significant to him. For us to currently keep this promise to our veterans and their families, we must implement programs that will integrate veterans back into society with well paying jobs, as well as offer services such as counseling.
They were to pray to god up above the clouds. Ancient people believe in many gods just like the sumerians.
gold , frankincense , and myrrh
B: The vast majority of Aborigines now live in cities.
In 2016 the majority (81%) of Aboriginal people lived in cities and non-remote areas, up from 75% in 2006.
During Lent, Christians replicate Jesus Christ's sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days where he was tempted by Satan, but successfully resisted. Traditionally, Christians will give up something such as social media, sugar, and other temptations. This is to replicate Jesus' resistance to Satan's temptations. Lent is marked by fasting, both from food and festivities. Sundays in Lent are not counted in the forty days because each Sunday represents a "mini-Easter." This is why you will see the designation "Sunday in Lent" rather than "Sunday of Lent" in the naming of these Sundays.