3.9 and 5.3, when rounded off and mult. together, produce the product 20.
Thus, the decimal point must follow the first two digits of your answer, whether estimate or "exact."
3.9*5.3 = 20.67 by calculator.
Manny would have $12 and Neil would have $6
874 Divided by 23 = 38.
Step-by-step explanation:
For determining the correct degree of a polynomial, you need to look at each term and find the degree by adding the exponents of each variable in it. The largest degree is the degree of the polynomial.
Classification by the number of terms:
monomial<span> (1 term)
</span>binomial<span> (2 terms)
</span>trinomial<span> (3 terms)
</span>polynomial (<span>four or more terms</span>).