The tomahawk.
King Philip´s War is the First Indian War (1675-1676) on the soil of British American colonies in the 17th century. It takes its name from the English name of Wampanoag tribe chief Metacom. The war´s main cause was the appropiation of more lands by colonists. It was a bloody conflict with thousands of killed on boths sides, colonist towns burned and Indian villages destroyed.
He continued the trend of Detente and de-escalation begun under Nixon Administration.
The large increase in the defense budget to confront the Soviets was in contravention with the Detente and de-escalation policies held during Nixon administration and Mr. Reagan believed that United State had to be an actor strong enough to oppose Communism everywhere, where the support to the Contras in Nicaragua or to the Mujahideen in Afghanistan.
Go to history and you will find it
In the fall of ad 66 the Jews combined in revolt, expelled the Romans from Jerusalem, and overwhelmed in the pass of Beth-Horon a Roman punitive force under Gallus, the imperial legate in Syria.
Benito Mussolini was the dictator of Italy during WWII and put Italy under a fascist government.
Hope this helps :)