Answer:The CDC states, “… physical activity can have an impact on cognitive skills and attitudes and academic behavior, all of which are important components of improved academic performance. These include enhanced concentration and attention as well as improved classroom behavior.The positive effects of physical activity on the brain and
The flow of oxygen to the brain is increased. The number of brain neurotransmitters is increased, which assists your ability to focus, concentrate, learn, remember and handle stress.
Adaptability means how easily someone can adjust to change or new situations.
The use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs can contribute to all of the following like, increased possibility of miscarriage, premature delivery, low birth weight except delayed labor. It is impossible that a mother can have delayed labor because first using this kind of drugs can give you miscarriage.
CSF ( Cerebrospinal fluid) is the colorless, clear fluid present in the spinal cord and brain. The ependymal cells present in the choroid plexus is responsible for the production of CSF.
Around 500 ml of the CSF is produced every day in the central nervous system. The main function of the CSF is the covering of the brain and cushions the central nervous system. This fluid allows the water medium for the diffusion of the chemicals and nutrients
Now most definitely; healthy young bone development is vital to healthier bones through time. If you don’t build them and maintain them now, they will only deteriorate early this causing a detrimental when in their 40s and 50s.