Trans fats are the worst fats for your health. These fats are made when hydrogen is added to healthy unsaturated fats to solidify them and make them less likely to spoil. Trans fats raise harmful LDL cholesterol, lower beneficial HDL cholesterol, increase inflammation, and make blood more likely to clot.
3) can lead to gastritis and ulcers from long term use
Alcohol irritates the digestive system and causes the stomach to produce more acid than usual which leads to gastritis and ulcers
Send you to counseling, ween you off of them.
You should call 911 if a person exhibits which of the following:
-Drinking more than one kind of alcohol at a time
-inability to wake up and
-clammy or bluish skin.
These signs are not normal that can be harmful to the drinker. There might be some side-effects or allergies that caused the abnormal behavior or skin discoloration.
If murmur is heard off of the chest, and there is an obvious pericardial thrill, this is a Grade 6 murmur.