An atom is the smallest particle in a chemical element that holds its chemical properties. Although in the past it was thought impossible to break an atom, within modern chemistry we know that an atom is composed of subatomic particles, which compose the atomic model:
1) electrons, which have a negative charge, such a small size that it is immeasurable, and a mass much smaller than the other two subatomic particles; 2) protons, which have a positive charge; and 3) neutrons, which have no charge.
The protons and neutrons form a dense and massive atomic nucleus, which is called multipons nuclei. The electrons form a cloud of electrons that surround the nucleus.
When connected together by series of peptide bonds, amino acids form a polypeptide, another word for protein. The polypeptide will then fold into a specific conformation depending on other interactions (dashed lines) between its amino acid side chains.
In phase-contrast objective and a phase contrast optical systems is equipped with Light microscope .
Phase contrast microscope is used to differentiate unstained structures in a cell that differ in refractive indices and thickness. Thus it is usefull for examining living unstained organisms.
Light that passed through materials of different refractive index and/or thickness will undergo a change in Phase. The difference in phase or wave front irregularities cause variation in brightness of the structures.
Hoping this might help!!!
The nurse should reassure the patient will receive the best
care in keeping with his written directives Cardiac dysrhythmias associated
with altered myocardial automaticity, conductivity or contractility can effect
cardiac output. Reduced cardiac output increases the risk of ineffective tissue
perfusion. If the dysrhythmia is a life-threatening type, encourage the family
unit to calmly formulate a plan of action.
The animal agriculture industry is killing our environment and putting every species on this planet at risk of extinction. The animal agriculture industry's pollution of our air, water and land, along with deforestation and soil degradation, all contribute to habitat loss and species extinction.