Similarities-- The French and the Patriots were both acquainted with the landscape and utilized exploring methods acquired structure the Indian clans. The two gatherings additionally utilized sneak assaults to trap the British.
Difference-- European battling rules. They battled in lines, on combat zones. The Patriots utilized guerrilla strategies, focusing on authority. Being the Patriots were untrained they utilized unpredictable strategies and battled as they had against adversary Indian clans.
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Both approaches are generally considered insight therapies.
Insight therapy is form of therapy that is conducted with the assumption that the psychological problems which experienced by the patients occurs because those patient have wrong perspective in viewing his/her situation.
Humanistic will try to solve the problem by encouraging the patient that they have a huge potential ahead of them and the psychoanalytic therapy will solve this problem by analyzing the patient's unconscious mind and find out what cause them to have the wrong perspective.
Yes, there is the presence of a threat.
This threat is known as instrumentation. There is an Instrumentation threat when changes are made in the instrument, or the changes are made in the researcher, or the scorer when the research is being carried out.
In this question, mrs smith is the one who is the researcher, the program of reinforcement can be called the instrument. She made errors during the first few week but started getting it right in the second week. So there is a slight change in these two weeks. Causing instrumentation threat to how valid the program is.