Answer: C. Personal unconscious
Explanation: Jung developed a concept in psychology whereby the unconscious can be collective and personal. The collective unconscious is the level of archetypes associated with collective inheritance, where all individuals of the collective sharing these same or similar unconscious images, ideas, trends, etc. The personal unconscious is all that is suppressed in the level of the individual and is different from personality to personality within the collective. All those thoughts, underdeveloped ideas that are peculiar to a particular individual, are suppressed at the level of the personal unconscious.
The answer is "Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves."
The declaration of independence stated that government should be elected by representatives in order to secure the fundamental rights of people to "life liberty and pursuit of happiness." This is possible on the basis of a social contract, where people agree to live together in a society, based on mutual respect of the principles enunciated in the declaration of independence. Since the government is the main guarantor of this social contract, people are willing to suffer rather than lose the form of government that protects their individual rights.
You need to list the following or else nobody can answer.
Instructional objective.
Instructional objectives is explained to be skills,abilities or knowledgeable attitudes students are expected to possess or demonstrate after training completion.
It serves as what people or tutors fill in guiding their students. Its starting point when been designing includes certain instructional objectives; the objectives determine the intended outcomes of the training. Also it includes being attainable, specific, measurable, relevant and a lot more objectives. At the end, these instructional objectives are also said to affect behavioural attitude which is expected to be towards instructions you have been taught with.