The statement above wil be completed.
For some people, alcohol can cause an uncontrollable vibration to the eyes, making good vision almost impossible. This vibration is called nystagmus or the eyes getting dizzy and shaky. This nystagmus occurs when a person drinks too much and reaches his limit in alcohol intake.
- Divide the resources into three parts using the corresponding process 1, process 1, and process 2 formats to maximize the use of the resources.
- Get the expected revenue by calculating the product of the total perfume in ounce and the price of an ounce of perfume.
- Increase the advertisement hours of the product.
- subtract the advert fee from the generated revenue to get the actual revenue.
- subtract the cost of production from the actual revenue to get the actual profit.
The get maximum profit, all the resources must be exhausted in production. The labor is divided into a ratio of 1:1:2 ( which is 5000, 5000, 1000), while the chemical units are in the ratio of 2:2:3 (10000,10000,15000). This would produce in each individual processes; 15000, 15000 and 25000 oz, which is a total of 55000 oz of perfume.
The expected revenue is $275000. If 1000oz from the 55000oz of perfume is sold without advertisement, model Jenny's awareness of the perfume increases the demand by 200oz per hour, therefore, 24hours would field 4800oz demanded, which would only take 270 hours to distribute all remaining perfumes.
The cost of production would be $130000 for labor and chemical resources plus the advert cost of $27000 ( 270 hours by 100) which is a total cost of $157000. The actual profit is $118000 ( $275000 - $157000).
You explain your situation, they send you a new computer, then mail to them the broken computer and later pay a $200-350 dollar fee. I think it depends on how much damage you made to it.
This can be done in a number of steps.
1. Prepare your email request early.
2. Choose an appropriate professor
3. Address the letter properly.
4. Put "Recommendation for [your name]" as the subject line.
5. Start the first paragraph by stating what you want.
6. Outline your relationship with the professor.
7. Use the third paragraph as an opportunity to hint at what you'd like the professor to say about you.
8. Give the details.
9. Close with information about how you will follow-up.
10. Thank the professor, whether or not s/he writes the letter.
11. Follow through as promised by delivering necessary materials and sending a reminder
12. Take responsibility for checking with the scholarship program, graduate school, or prospective employer before the deadline
1. Thank the professor again.
Answer is "Web Designer".
Web Designers are the "artists" of the website. They conceptualize the layout and functionality of the site, from features to format. They may do little coding, and are mostly involved in the creative elements of web design. The Web Developer is less big-picture, and more knitty-gritty building of the website. She is the one who does the coding and actually builds the website, using the web designer's model.