Answer: Moses brought them out of slavery it says so in the Bible
The Emancipation Proclamation is very important to the United States because it abolished slavery. The Emancipation Proclamation was a executive order, ordered by President Abraham Lincoln, on January 1, 1863 that abolished slavery completely. This executive order changed the topic of the war to freeing slaves and bringing them to the free land. If it wasn't for this executive order, there could possibly still been slavery during their time, and possible today.
3. To stoke hatred of Jews, Catholics, and immigrants.
All aspects of Contractionary fiscal policy is discussed below in details.
Fiscal policy is a kind of fiscal policy that includes raising taxes, limiting government expenses, or both in order to fight inflationary stresses. Due to an improvement in taxes, families have less disposable earnings to spend. Lower disposal earnings reduce consumption. Examples of this include reducing taxes and increasing government spending.