The answer would be cholera I believe!
The first one (find attached)
Amado Peña Jr. was born in Laredo, Texas. He is of Mexican and Yaqui heritage. He is well known as an Artisan and he tribe is Pascua Yaqui of Arizona.
He loves art more than any other thing and he been in the profession for more than 30 years with a lot success stories and achievements. He has holding exhibitions in different parts of the US.
Pena obtained both his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Art and Education form then Texas A & I which now known as Texas A & M in Kingsville.
The distinguishing characteristics of the work of Amado Peña Jr. is that is always bold in color and form, it is embedded with dynamic composition. Draws most of the inspiration for hid art from land as well Acoma, Canyon de Chelly, Monument Valley, and among others.
One of his works is the first option in the question which is reattached to this work. The name of the work of art is "La Cosecha" in Spanish which means "The Harvest" in English.
Answer: the water table (the groundwater level) is very near to the soil surface or shallow water covers the surface for at least part of the year
<span>With the enactment in 1903 of the Terrell Election Law, which was amended in 1905-1906, a statewide direct-primary system for all state, district, and county elective offices was established and made mandatory for all parties that had received as many as 100,000 votes in the previous election; the requirement was later ...</span><span>Jun 12, 2010</span>
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